Sunday 2 December 2012

The Importance Of A Squeeze Page

Today I am going to talk to you about the importance of your squeeze page.

Many people do not spend time on their squeeze page or set it up wrong.

So what should you be concentrating on when you set up your squeeze page?

You one and only mission with your squeeze page is to get the persons e-mail address.

You have to make it simple so that all the persons has to do is enter their e-mail address.

Do NOT make it to flashy and distracting.

Do NOT put any adverts for other sites.

These would distract the reader from the main purpose of your squeeze page which is to give you their e-mail address.

You can put teasers about what the person can expect if the sign up at your squeeze page.

You can tell them how it will help them or make life easier for them.

In order to further entice them to sign up you offer them a FREE high quality gift.

Do not offer them something that they can pick up for free anywhere on the internet.

You have to try and make it seem like it is personally set up for them.

You have to tell them how they cannot do without it.

Next you have to make a very clear call to action.

You have to tell them that in order to get their FREE gift all they have to do is enter their name in the box provided.

Make sure your sign up form is very clear.

Make sure that the sign up form stand out on your page.

Tell the person that to get their FREE gift all they have to do is enter their e-mail address in the sign up form.

Let them know that when they have do that their FREE e-book will be available for them to download in a matter of minutes.

Make sure that you highlight the fact that their gift is FREE.

Everyone likes something for FREE.

Make sure you highlight the word FREE as I have done throughout this blog.

That way the idea is more likely to stick in their mind.

Below is a great example of how a squeeze page should look.

It is very clean, it tells the person a little bit about what they can expect and it has a very clear sign up box.

If you can make your squeeze page nice and simple like this with nothing to distract the person,  then you will find your squeeze page will convert very well.

I hope you find this article helpful to you.

Stephen Hart

If you want to learn the secrets of a squeeze page, check this out

Become A Squeeze Page Guru

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