Monday 3 December 2012

Make Money With AdSense.

 Hi Guys,

Today I am going to look at another way of making some extra income.

This is a method that is often over looked by internet marketers.

It is called AdSense.

So What is Adsense?

Basically it is a method whereby you put small adverts on your website or blog.

Every time someone clicks on the advert, you make a small amount of money.

The Click Through Rate or CTR is generally fairly small, about 0.5 to 2.0

In order to be successful you need a high traffic web site.

If you have 100 views of your web page a day you can expect 0.5 - 2.0 clicks on your advert.

You can therefore see the importance of getting traffic to your web site.

There are a couple of things that it is worth mentioning.

Do NOT put the adverts on a squeeze page.


This would take the readers attention away from the main purpose of your squeeze page which is to get peopole to sign up.

The next thing to mention is that the rules for adsense are quite strict.

You must follow the rules of Adsense.

If you break any of the rules, no matter how minor, you will be banned for life.

You Have Been Warned!!!

All you have to do to join Adsense is to go to the site, just type Adsense into Google and it should be the first result that come up.

Then just choose the type of advert you want to display on your site.

The copy the HTML code into the HTML area of your web site where you want the advert to appear.

That is all there is to it.

Why don't you give it a go.

It is FREE and a great way to add some extra revenue to your web site.

Well that is it for today,

I will see you tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

If you want a FREE E-book to get more traffic to your website and therefore more clicks on your advert just click the link below.

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