Thursday 6 December 2012

Key Components To Making Money Online.

Hi Guys,

Today I want to talk to you about the key components you must have to make money online.

This seems to be something that confuses people.

When they do not have these components they will not make money!!! 

Lets us go though them one by one.

It is worth making a not of these so you can tick them off when you have got them set up.

Here we go then.

1)  Get a domain name.

When you are thinking about what to call your site, make sure that it reflects the niche that your site will be about.

It is worth trying getting a domain name with popular keywords in it.

Check the available domain names at the site that you want to register your domain name with.

The secret here is to have a popular keyword with low competition.

I have spoken about keyword searches in previous articles.

There are many sites where you can buy domain names such.

Place like GoDaddy

2) Web Hosting

The next thing you need is a company to host your web page.

There are many companies that will host your company for you.

Be a bit careful who you get to host your site.

The cheapest is not always the best.

They need to have sufficient band width.

The cheaper web host have lower band width which can mean your web site will take longer to load,

Or worse, not load at all during peak times because of the demand placed on it.

I would recommend  someone like 

Host Gator  


Just enter web hosting into the Google search bar.

Remember, you re looking for the best reliable web hosting you can find.

3)  Auto-responders

An auto-responder is as program that allows you to collect the sign ups e-mail address.

This is essential so that you can build a relationship with them and send them other offers you have related to your niche.

One of the best auto-responder is aweber

There are so many auto-responders on the market, just do a search for auto-responders and see which one suits you best.

Get these set up and you can start your successful internet marketing campaign.

I hope you can now see the basics of what you need t be able to market online.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

 If you want to set up a home business just click on this text.


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