Friday 28 December 2012

Is Your Engine Running Well?

Hi Guys,

Today I want to speak to you a bit about your engine.

No I have not lost my marbles, I mean the internet marketing engine.

This is where you have got them to your squeeze page, they have signed up and then you send them a FREE gift.

This process is the engine of your internet business that drives people to your FREE gift and in return you get their e-mail address.

So lets us go through the basic process of setting up your engine.


Firstly you need to set up a squeeze page.

This is the page where you make the offer to the readers. 

It is basically the big chunk of metal that forms your engine.

To make your engine run it needs fuel.

The fuel for your engine is the FREE gift

This is what make people sign up to your squeeze page.

When they sign up for your FREE gift you need to grab their e-mail address.

You do this by using an auto-responder such as aweber.

When you have got their e-mail address you send them a thank-you e-mail.

Your thank-you email contains a link where they can download their FREE gift.

From here you can then send out follow up e-mails to make yourself some money.

So lets just summarize the components of your engine.

1) Your squeeze page to get the to sign up.
2) Your auto-responder to get their e-mail.
3) Your thank-you e-mail.
4) Your download page to get their FREE gift.

If you have got these parts in place you are well on your way to running a successful business.

I hope you found this explanation of what you need to run a successful business was helpful.

I will speak to you tomorrow.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

 You can send one email and get cash practically on demand


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    1. I already have many websites online that are making me money.

      Thank you for your offer but I am doing O.K.

      Stephen Hart
