Sunday 9 December 2012

Best Christmas present ideas for 2012

 Hi Guys,

Today I am going to get into the Christmas spirit.

More importantly, I am going to talk about how you can cash in on this period.

Now is the time to this about the best Christmas present ideas for 2012.

The way to do this will take about 30 minutes of work.

"Not more work" I hear you say.

Well if you want to make money you will have to do some work.

This only takes about thirty minutes, so I am sure you can find the time.

The first thing you need to do is to set up a new squeeze page.

If you just want to make some money and not bother with building your list you do not need to put a sign up form on your page.

The next thing you need to do is find the gifts that people are buying.

At this time of year everyone is buying gifts.

This will take a bit of effort on your part by doing some research.

The best way to do this is to use Google's Keyword Tool.

Just enter different keywords into the tool and look for keywords with more than about 3000 searches.

You could put in something like " Best Christmas present ideas for 2012"

It will then show you how many people are searching for that keyword.

Choose something that you think would make a great Christmas present.

Put the keyword in the keyword area of your squeeze page.

You can put more than one keyword in this area but do not overdo it.

I would suggest 5 - 10 keywords.

Next you need to find someone selling that gift.

I would recommend using somewhere like clickbank, but you can just put in something like "Affiliate sales" into Google to get  list of them

Then you just sign up as an affiliate for whatever you want to sell.

The choice is up to you.

I hope you give this a go.

You can make lots of money with this technique.

I will see you tomorrow.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart


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