Sunday 16 December 2012

What Should You Say To Your Followers?

Hi Guys,

I see a lot of people sending out sales e-mails to their list because they have run out of things to say to them.

You know the feeling.

You have told them how to run a business.

You have told them how to market it.

You have told them how to find FREE gifts.

Then you get to a stage where you are lost for words and do not know what else to say to them

So where do you find new things to say to them?

Well the first thing you need to think about what your followers are interested in.

It is no good sending information about football if they are interested in cooking!

You can do a search on Google for keywords that are related you your niche.

Another great place to find information is EzineArticles

This is a site with loads of articles about every niche subject you can think of.

Just go to the site and search for your particular niche subject.

These articles are FREE to use.

You just copy the URL and post it into your e-mail.

Another great pace to find articles is YouTube.

Videos are a great way of keeping the subscribers interest.

You just type in the name of the subject your niche is about and you will find lots of great videos.
There are so many videos here that you will no doubt find something to keep your readers interested.
I hope this short blog has given you some information that you have found useful.
Until tomorrow
Have a prosperous day.
Stephen Hart 



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