Monday 17 December 2012

Do Not Overload Your List With Information.

Hi Guys,

Today I want to warn you about information overload.

When people start online they can suffer for information overload.

So what exactly is this?

Lets start at the beginning which is generally regarded as the best place to start.

When you first try out the internet you will find there is an almost limitless amount of information.

There is no way you can read it all.

Much of this information is totally useless.

How do you decide what to read?

The best way is to use forums related to your niche.

See what people are asking in these forums.

They are searching for answers to problems they are having in that particular niche.

Having found out what they are searching for you can go to Google 

And search for answers using keywords.

This will throw up a whole series of articles.

You can read through the top articles and save any that you think answers the questions in you swipe folder which I talked about in previous blogs.

You then use the information in these articles to form a series of auto-responder messages which you send out to your list.

By sending your list targeted information that is of interest to them you are engaging your list and keeping them interested.

 Once every four or five e-mails you can try and make an offer to your list.

Not overloading your list with sales pitches will make them feel that your main priority is taking care of them and offering them solutions to their problems.

That is what a majority of people are looking for.  

Solutions to their problems.

Doing a bit of research on behalf of your list also gives you a better insight into the problems they are looking for.

Build a database of common questions and answers that you can simply copy and post into forums to improve your reputation.

I hope you found this information useful.

Feel free to submit any questions you might have and I will try and sort out your problem.

Kinds regards,

Stephen Hart

 Get Your Own Niche With Ebay

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