Tuesday 18 December 2012

How To Make An Image Clickable.

Hi Guys,

Today's blog is about making your web site more interesting by making images clickable.

Now I am assuming you have a hosting account.

The first thing you need to do is to find an image that you want to make clickable.

Next you need to insert the image onto your web page remembering firstly so save the image to your computer.

 If your image is going to be on a web page the next thing you need to to is upload it to the internet.

You can do this by using something like filezilla

Now that you have you image online you need to make it clickable.

You need to decide the url you want to send people to when they click on the image.

 You do this by first copying the url to the clipboard.

Next you have to click on the image once.

After to have clicked in the image you need to click on the hyperlink symbol.

This look like

A box will then open up.

In the address bar that pops up when you click the hyperlink symbol you need to type in the full url of the page that you want to send the person to.

At the bottom of box you should see the image of the link that they are clicking on.

Next you need to click on the OK button at the bottom of the box.

You now have a clickable image.

When you publish the site to the internet you will find that you can now click on the image and it will send you to the url that you requested in the hyperlink box.

I hope you find this useful.

Kind regards

Stephen Hart

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