Monday 10 December 2012

Successful Internet Marketing

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to say a little bit about how to be a successful internet marketer and how to much confidence  can cost your dearly.

When you first start out as an internet marketer things are always strange.

You do not know if you are doing this correctly.

You check, double check and even triple check things to make sure that they are working correctly.

As time goes by you get more confident when things are working out and you tend to get complacent.

This can be your big down fall!!!

I have been an internet marketer for a few years now.

I knew how to build a list.

I knew how to generate traffic. 

I got used to sending messages with my auto-responder.

I thought I new it all.

However my over confidence has caused me to make a mistake.

I did not always check my auto-responder message were correct.

I recently found out that one of my down load page links had been set up with the wrong URL.

This meant that people that signed up for my FREE gift were not able to download it.

I have recently had to send out an apology to those people and given them the correct download link.

I hate to think how much damage this mistake has made to my reputation.

My advice therefore is NEVER get too confident.

Check and double check everything that you do online.

A simple typing error can cause major damage to your reputation

Make sure that this does not happen to you.

Learn from my mistakes.

Do not let it happen to you.

Kind regards,

Stephen Hart


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