Saturday 8 December 2012

How To Find Aricles Of Interest For Your List.

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to expand on something I mentioned in an earlier blog.

Do you remember I asked you in a previous blog to set up some swipe folders?

Well now I am going to explain to you the purpose of those folders.

By now you should have a lot of information in those folders which are of interest to your niche.

If you did not set up the folders and are having difficulty in finding content for people in your niche you should set them up now.

It is at times when you run out of things to say too your niche that these are so useful.

Look back through your saved articles and I am sure you will find something that will be useful to people in your niche.

Now there are two ways that you can use these articles.

You can either post the article, unchanged , to your list.

If you do this you will have to say where the article came from and post an acknowledgement and thanks for the article.

You should also  put a place where they owner of the article can contact you if they want you to remove the article.

Remember, the owner of the article has the right to limit where it is used.

Neglect this and you could be done for copyright infringement.

A better way of doing this is to write the article in your own words.

This means changing at least 50% of the content.

It does take a little bit of effort to do this but at least there will be no copyright issues.

Re-writing the article means that you can give it your own flare and character.

I hope you have found this article useful if you have been having trouble thinking of what to say to people in your list.

Remember, keep adding new articles to your swipe file for when you find you you nothing to say to your followers.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

If you are trying to get traffic to your site, this is THE book to have

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