Thursday 27 December 2012

Are You Going Forwards Or Backwards?

Hi Guys,

2012 is nearly over.

For many people that will be a relief.

What you need to do at this time of year is to make plans for next year.

For a lot of people they will be thinking of how to make some extra money in these tough economic times.

If you are comfortably off such as the bankers, there is no need to worry.

For the rest it can be scary thinking of how you are going to survive financially.

A lot of people turn to internet marketing.

This is not as easy as putting something online and watching the money roll in.

It does involve a lot of work, especially at the initial stage.

You have to be prepared to put in the extra time and effort to make money online

Now you can struggle and try and learn everything for yourself.

Or you can get advice from people who are already a success at making money online.

I initially tried to do it by myself.

Like many people I found this was not as easy as it first seemed.

I took the decision to learn from someone who is successful. 

It gave me all the information I was after in an easy to follow method.

Nothing annoys me more than coming across a program that says you can make money for only $30 a month and then find there are other expenses involved in order to make money.

I am sure you have all come across this problem.

In order to be totally upfront with you so you do find any nasty surprises I am going to tell you about the hidden costs.

In order to set up your own successful internet marketing business here is what you will need.

  1. A domain name for your business which costs around $10 a year.
  2. A hosting company which costs around $15 a month.
  3. An auto-responder so that you can build a list of people that you can sell to which costs about $15 a month.
 That means about $30 a month plus the $10 a year for your domain name.

If you feel you can afford $30 a month, which is about the cost of 5 packets of cigarettes a month then this could be for you.

One of the best programs that I have found for learning how to set up this program is the one below.

Set Up Your Own Internet Business.

If you want to run your own business and can afford to do it, I highly recommend this program.

Until tomorrow,

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

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