Tuesday 29 January 2013

Getting The Traffic To Your Web Site.

Hi Guys,

Now that you have got your four page web site set up, lets look at getting traffic to your web site.

How Do You Get Traffic To Your Web Site?

There are 4 key ways to get traffic. 

 The number 1 of getting traffic to your web site is by using your list.

Those are the people who have already signed up to previous offers and you have got their e-mail addresses.

These people were interested in your previous offers and they might be interested in your new one.

You can now see how important it is to build your list.

Another good way is to use the followers you have built up with Facebook.

 To be more specific I am talking about your Facebook Business Profile.

To this you need to consistently engage and interact with your followers.

 The third method is through Joint Ventures or J.V.'s.

 The last way is P.P.C. or Pay Per Click.

 A good way to do this is by posting adverts on Facebook.

 What you need to do is create as many streams of traffic as you can.

Next time we will be looking at what you do before buying a product.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

This page is based on am idea by Kerwin Rae.


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