Wednesday 23 January 2013

What Is Your Expert Theme?

Hi Guys,

Today you are going to start on the course about

How To Become An Expert Marketer
Let us look at creating your Expert Theme.
There are two kinds of people.
Those who already have an exert theme and those who do not. 
 If you already have a Expert Theme then that is great.
 To find out what your Expert Theme is you need to answer some questions.
 Here are the questions you need to answer:-
  1. What Do You Want To Get Paid To Do?
  2. What Do You Love To Teach Or Learn?
  3. What Do You Enjoy Reading Or Talking About?
  4. What Experience Do You Have That You Could Share With Others?
  5. What Do You Like To Do In Your Free Time?
  6. What Are You Already Great At?
  7. What Advice Do People Come To You For?
  8. What Do You Already Know That People Would Be Willing To Pay For?
What you need to do now is sit down with a cup of coffee and a pen and note pad and answer these questions.
Take your time answering these questions. 
Your future business could depend on it.
Having answered these questions look back over them and decide
 "What Is Your Number 1 Theme."

 This will be the foundation for what you want to be known for.
 This will be your future niche for making money online.
 Tomorrow we will be looking st that theme and creating a range of products that you can market to customers.
I hope you will join me for that.
Have a profitable day,
Stephen Hart 
Thanks to Kerwin Rae for his inspiration for this course.

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