Tuesday 1 January 2013

Traffic, Traffic, Traffic

Hi Guys,

Today I am going back over a subject I have spoken about before.

Today I want to explain exactly why TRAFFIC is so important to your web site.

Without TRAFFIC it is like not opening you business to customers!!!

Without TRAFFIC you are just spinning your wheels.

TRAFFIC is the financial lifeline for your online business.

Only around 5% of online marketers put in the effort to generate TRAFFIC.

They either cannot be bothered or do not know how to generate TRAFFIC.

For the first few months after setting up your online business you need to be spending around 80% of your time generating TRAFFIC to your web site.

The  most profitable companies on the web started with no TRAFFIC.

However they new about the importance of generating TRAFFIC to their web site.

They put a lot of resources into getting TRAFFIC to their web site.
The big players in this market have teams of people working full time to generate TRAFFIC.

If they are  spending money on this there must be a reason.

They do not waste money if it not getting them some financial rewards.

Maybe now is the time that you should look at spending more time generating TRAFFIC to your web site.

I have covered how to generate TRAFFIC to your web site.

Why not go and have a look at it again.

You will find that the more TRAFFIC your web site gets the more money you will make from your web site.



Have a think about that.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart 

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