Sunday 6 January 2013

How To make Your Web Site More Appealing

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to discuss how to make your web site more appealing.

There are several ways that you can make your web site more appealing.

The first one is to make sure that it loads quickly.

One thing that really turns people off is when they click on  alink to view a web site and it takes ages to load.

One of the things that affects the time it takes for your web site to load is graphics

To over come this problem you need to compress your images as much as possible.

Java script,  flash and streaming videos should only be used if they are essential on your web page.

Next look at the content on your web site.

If it is aimed at professionals, then try and make it as clean and professional looking as possible.

If however it is aimed at teenagers or children then your web site can be more relaxed and easy going.

Next you need to make sure that your web site is focused around the title.

Do not put articles that are not relateed to the title of the web page.

If you want to talk about diverse products then group them on a separate page.

Next comes the credibility of your web site.
The most professionally designed site won’t sell if your customers don’t believe in you. 

A clear privacy statement is one way to build your credibility.

Provide legitimate contact information on line

Make them sure that their information is not disclose to anybody at any price.

Try and make navigation around your site clear and simple.

There is nothing worse than having a confusing web site.

Make it easy for people to leave comments on your site so they can leave questions.

Make sure that you reply to the questions promptly.

Finally there is the content of your web site.

Make sure that it conveys the message that you are trying to get across to your readers.

Having a web site that delivers what the person is expecting to find is the best way to ensure that you have happy customers.

Happy customers are more likely to return to your web site.

They know that they will get exactly what your web page title is about.

Do your best to give your customers exactly what they are looking for.

I hope you found this article useful.

If you have any questions then please leave them in the comments box at the end of this article.

I hope you have a profitable day,

Stephen Hart


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