Sunday 13 January 2013

Setting Up Your Folders Part 2

Hi Guys,

Today I am going to carry on with setting up your new folders and the structure of your new ebook.

When it comes to writing your ebook you need to appear professional and knowledgeable so people will see you as a professional.

Your new ebook should have the following things in the correct order.

I have listed them here for you:

  • Cover Page
  • Contents Page
  • Your Personal Introduction To The Ebook
  • Contents Modules Or Chapters
  • A Conclusion Page
  • Legal Things
  • Headers, Footers And Images

So now lets got to Open Office and start producing your ebook

Open a new blank document in Open Office.

Firstly you need to produce two blank pages for your ebook cover and your contents.

So how do you do this?

When you first open a text document in Open Office it is blank.

That is ideal for your first page.

Next you want to create a blank second page.

The are different ways to do this depending on whether you are using a Mac or a PC.

To do this with a Mac, hold down the command key or with a PC hold down the control key, and the press enter.

Now you will have a second blank page.

Next we need to add a third page by doing the same again.

So command or control and pres the enter key.

The first page is where you are going to put your ebook cover, the second page is where you are going to put your contents page, I will discuss those two pages in a later blog.

Now we are ready to start on the ebook copy.

That it the text document we produced from having done research about a subject that your niche is looking for answers to.

You would have re-written this in a text document in your own words to make it individual to you, give it your own character and so that you do not get accused of plagiarism.

Plagiarism is where you just copy someones else's work, word for word, and claim it is your own.

So go to your project folder and open the the documents folder.

 Next click at the start of the text.

Then go the edit button button at the top of the page, which should be next to the  file button.

Click on the edit button and a drop down menu will appear.

You will see a select all option.

Click on this and it will highlight all of the text in your document.

In the same drop down menu you will see a copy option.

Click on that option and it will copy all the text onto your computers clipboard.

Next go back to page 3 of your Open Office document. 

Place your cursor at the beginning of your third page.

Next press command V or control C and you copied content will be pasted into the page.

At this stage it is worth saving your pages.

Save them with a suitable name with the words draft in your documents folder.

That will do for this bog.

Next time I will tell you how to format this text.

I hope you can now see your new e-book is slowly coming together.

Have a profitable day and I will speak to again tomorrow.

Stephen Hart

Free Internet Marketing Video Course.You will have 100% support to make money.

The inspiration for this course was obtained from an idea by Ian Bass of C.F.M.

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