Sunday 20 January 2013

How To Get Your Ebook online

Hi Guys,

A quick post for you today for those of you not sure how to get your ebook online.


 I am assuming that you have got an online account.

The first thing you need to do is upload your a folder with the same name as your ebook to the public area of your account.

Make sure you set your folder up in the public_html and not the public_ftp.

 Next open your folder in the public_html on the right hand side of your two screens.

 Next click on the left hand screen and browse through your folders until you find your project folder with your new ebook in it.

Click once on you pdf in the left hand screen to select it. 

Then right click on it and a drop down menu will apear. 

One of the options will be called upload.

Click this and you pdf file will be uploaded to the internet.

When it has finished uploading you might have to refresh your screen.

When you have done this you will see the pdf of you ebook in the page on the right hand side of your screen.

The final thing you need to do is get the web address of your new ebook

 To do this, right click on the pdf of your book in the left hand screen.

In the drop down menu click copy URL to the clipboard.

Open a new notepad document and paste the text to the notepad.

Now the document should start ftp:// change this to http:// 

After  the :// you will see something like qzd496@ftp.

You need to change this to www.

Finally you should see something like public_html/

You need to delete all of this.
What you have now is the web address where you ebook can be found by typing it into your web browser.

The web address should look something like


Save this address somewhere where you can find it easily again.

That is basically it.

I hope you have enjoyed this course on how to create your own ebook.

If you have any questions or comments then please put them in the box at the bottom and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Keep a look out for my next blog.

Have a profitable day.

Stephen Hart

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